


Keywords: God’s Law; pedagogical community; public school; religious teacher; local communities of southern Ukraine.


The article discusses the process of the school ethical course (Scripture of Knowledge) in the XIX – the beginning of the XX century. Approaches to selecting content, course structure,
and teaching methods are considered. It is concluded that at the beginning of the XX century the legislative base for such course was created and it determined the aim, structure, laws, and
duties. Innovative teachers (catechists) took up the position of course integration, struggled with formalism and dogmatism in their teaching.
The article deals with the issue of teaching the «God’s law» within the public education system in Ukraine. The article analyzes the course structure and some methodological aspects of teaching, it clarifies the state policy regarding the place of «God’s law» in the learning
process. The article highlights the opinion of the advanced pedagogical community of Ukraine regarding this issue.
The author of the article offers an understanding of the regions’ role in the development of public education, she also highlights the essential features of Ukrainian schools. The article proves that the local communities’ activity has provided a quantitative and qualitative shift in the Ukrainian school system, ensured understanding of education as a fundamental human right and as a way of improving the quality of life.

УДК 37.014.523



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