


The article is devoted to the research of Anna Kovtun's contribution to the history and cultural development of the native land and local lore of the Snihuriv area of Mykolayiv region. She is a thoughtful teacher and a local historian who has been engaged in local history research with her students for many years.

The author will highlight the life and creative path of this teacher.

Also, the teacher managed to organize the collection of materials covering the participation of fellow villagers in the war in eastern Ukraine. Through the exhibits of the museum, Anna tells about the difficult period of independent Ukraine and makes every effort to help soldiers including knitting socks for those who are on the front line of the combat zone, organizing sweets fairs, baking cakes for combatants, congratulations soldiers with their professional holidays, collecting signatures on the Ukrainian flag to transfer it to the front line and meetings with participants of the anti-terrorist operation and volunteers.

 It was on the initiative of the teacher-museologist to open an interesting exhibition of children's drawings, beadwork (angels), samples of chevrons of those who took part in the undeclared Russian war against Ukraine.

The author made an attempt to study the creative path of an innovative teacher-museologist, local historian, who along with her pupils conducted a deep local history search for the region. history. The author highlights children's participation in local lore forums, conferences, and competitions.

UDC 069.424:37



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