



art therapy; children with special educational needs; fairy-tale therapy; correctional and educational work; correction teacher


Within the active introduction of inclusive forms of education and development of the New Ukrainian school, the search for flexible and effective ways of correctional and developmental work with children with special educational needs is intensified. Modern domestic special pedagogy and psychology is largely focused on the use of various arts in the correctional learning process as it is an important tool of educating a harmonious personality, cultural development, and mental health of children with special educational needs.

In this context, fairy tale therapy is noteworthy, it is a non-directive method of correctional and educational influence. It uses a fairy tale to correct the child's emotional disorders and to improve one's relationship with the outer world. One of the main directions of using fairy-tale therapy for children with special educational needs is psycho-correction.

Due to the special fairy tale atmosphere and vivid metaphorical presentation, this method contributes to solving the problems, it models the life situations and promotes the assimilation of behavior rules, it also develops imagination and speech. This method allows to have more effective influence on the emotions, encourages the further development of the compensatory properties of the available functions, and improves a child's social adaptation.

Due to the variety of techniques, the method can be used in both individual and group work, as well as in cooperation with parents during the learning process.

UDC 378.147



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