


The article explores the didactic of game activity from ancient times to the present pedagogy. For this purpose, the theory of Aristotle, Quintilian, F. Froebel, P. Blonsky, Kostiantyn Ushynskyi, Maria Montessori, and Anton Makarenko is considered. According to the theory of K. Gross, game classification is studied. Along with this, a number of new concepts have been identified to intensify the play activities within the New Ukrainian School. Among such concepts are personality's biological aspects according to the theory of G. Spencer, social and historical aspects of personality according to the theory of W. Wundt. Methods of competence-oriented approach to the learning process, peculiarities of educational material are studied. Along with the theoretical provisions on the use of play activities this publication explores the management of Handicraft lessons and extracurricular activities on the use of animation. The results of a comprehensive study conducted at Handicraft lessons and events among students, educators, and parents on the use of the game are practically considered. The ways of this issue solving are aimed at the involvement of students in the creative learning approach. The publication provides materials for self-study of issues related to the modernization of education, development of key and professional competencies, content and management of the learning process, independent work, and practical training of students.

The publication is designed for educators.

Keywords: animation; competence-oriented approach; game activity; Handicraft lessons; key competencies; professional competence.



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