


Criteria for the effectiveness of psychological and andragogical support; model of psychological and andragogical support; postgraduate education; professional activity of a teacher; professional self-development of a teacher; psychological and andragogical support; self-actualization; self improvement


The article defines the concept "professional self-development of a teacher", "psychological and andragogical support of professional self-development of a teacher"; the author describes the theoretical psychological and andragogical support model of  of the teacher professional self - development  in the conditions of training on advanced training courses in the Nikolaev institute of postgraduate pedagogical education, characterizes criteria and indicators of quality of psychological and andragogical support of professional self-development of the teacher.

The professional self-development of a teacher is defined by the author as a conscious purposeful self-knowledge, self-design and self-improvement in order to achieve high results in professional activities.

The need to direct postgraduate education to the professional self-development of teachers requires the development and implementation of a model of its support, based on psychological and andragogical principles and interactive technologies that promote continuous self-improvement of teachers. Psychological and andragogical support of professional self-development of a teacher in the system of postgraduate education is defined as a systematically organized educational activity, built on andragogical principles and aimed at personal and professional growth of teachers.

The theoretical model presented in the article describes the psychological and andragogical support of professional self-development of a teacher in postgraduate education through the following components: the purpose - to create favorable conditions for professional self-actualization and self-realization of teachers; conceptual principles - approaches and principles of support implementation; tasks aimed at creating conditions for self-development of professional competencies; andragogical conditions as ways to increase the effectiveness of support; support tools that are implemented through interactive learning technologies; criteria for the effectiveness of support and its overall result.

Further research of efficiency of psychological and andragogical support of professional self-development of the teacher provides introduction of its model in educational process and its estimation and corresponding adjustment.


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