


certification; coaching; continuing education system; forms of teacher training in the United States; mentoring; postgraduate education; professional development; postgraduate education system; teacher; teacher professionalism; teacher training in the United States; training models; tutoring


The article analyzes the postgraduate pedagogical education in the United States of America. A number of issues related to the formation of this system are considered. А retrospective analysis of the  teachers professional development in this country is carried out and its main stages are determined. In particular, identified trends were inherent in the teacher training system of the United States and they had negative consequences for the education system. The necessity of continuing teachers education is also determined. The content, models, forms and methods of postgraduate education are indicated. The support of young teachers, the development of a mentoring system are investigated. Trends in the advanced training are analyzed on the individuality of the teacher, and not on his specialization, it significantly expands the boundaries of postgraduate support. It has been found that Americans are very responsible for the postgraduate teachers' education. A significant amount of resources are involved in this process: educational institutions (universities and colleges), voluntary organizations, various sponsors and teachers' unions, and, of course, schools and teachers themselves. It is also determined that an important role in the system of professional development of educators is played by the interest of the state, which is supported by material incentives. Education is financed by state and public funds. A great part of this mission belongs to the National Science Foundation. State bodies and public organizations stimulate the improvement of professionalism and, accordingly, the quality of education.

Parallels are drawn between the postgraduate education systems of the United States and Ukraine to identify trends for further effective reform of the national postgraduate teacher education system.

Keywords: certification; coaching; continuing education system; forms of teacher training in the United States; mentoring; postgraduate education; professional development; postgraduate education system; teacher; teacher professionalism; teacher training in the United States; training models; tutoring.





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