емоційний досвід; емоційний інтелект (ЕІ); емпатія; інтелектуальні емоції; керування емоціями; позитивна атмосфера; почуття; управління власними емоціями.Abstract
The article considers the development of emotional intelligence of primary school children within the New Ukrainian school. The analysis of methodological publications is carried out in the article. The modern learning approaches for emotional intelligence development are analyzed and the author's own vision is offered. The peculiarities of EI components are highlighted, their advantages and disadvantages are specified.
Due to the results of the study, the concept of "emotional intelligence" was clarified. It is established that a child interacts with the world around them through emotions. The mental development of the child is further built through this connection. Also, comfortable existence in society depends on the ability to express their emotions, determine the emotions of other people and have empathy. Recommendations for primary school teachers and parents to develop a child's emotional intelligence are formulated. A range of tasks, games, exercises, and conversations to work with 1-2 graders is proposed. Experience of developing primary school students' emotional intelligence is described in the article. The materials of the article will be useful for primary school teachers during Ukrainian language lessons or the integrated course "I explore the world".
Derzhavnyi standart pochatkovoi osvity, zatverdzhenyi postanovoiu Kabinetu Ministriv Ukrainy vid 21 liutoho 2018 r. # 87 (ukr).
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