



football players,, training planning,, physical fitness,, mesocycle, motor skills


The article describes the training process of young football players. For this purpose, a training plan was developed for the athletes of  Skala football academy. It is designed for two training cycles with an alternate priority of each of them. The first one is affecting mesocycle, designed to gradually improve the functionality of football players, their general development of all physical qualities, and an improvement in performance of technical elements. The content of the training mainly consists of exercises without involving work with the ball. The main direction of the work is the harmonious and gradual improvement of different training aspects  with an insignificant dominance of  special physical training.

The main purpose of the second (basic) mesocycle is to prepare the  football players maximally by increasing their physical capabilities and by improving technical and tactical actions.  It is the rationally organized  training work  that contributes to the versatile and proportional development of various motor skills of football players.


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