


aberrational socialization; , schoolchildren age characteristics; , victimization;, internalization;, mechanisms of psychological self-protection; , schoolchildren socialization under wartime conditions.


The socialization of  primary schoolchildren during the war are emphasized, taking into account the  mental processes in the extreme cases. The peculiarities of neoplasms during personality development were revealed.Views of foreign and domestic scientists as for  current aspects of socialization  are substantiated in the article. This publication presents a new kind of socialization of primary schoolchildren as a dangerous process for a child's life. It requires socio-psychological adaptation and interaction with a hostile reality. The concept of «aberrational socialization» was introduced and it is applied in the context of personality development of primary students. The concept of «socialization of primary schoolchildren in wartime conditions» is defined.  The possible behavior options   of primary school students in difficult wartime situations are determined. The destructive war impact on primary schoolchildren and following consequences are indicated. The author considers life in Ukraine during the war as a risk of victimization of  primary schoolchildren. Wartime conditions are identified as the most unfavorable period in the  personality development of primary schoolchildren. The crucial role of teachers and family to support primary school students is offered; their importance for building children's resilience is revealed. The mechanisms of psychological self-protection are outlined, they are directly related to processing of an intensive emotional experience. Recommendations for psychological support and students’ safe behavior in the wartime are presented.


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