



synergy, STEM-education, teachers of natural-mathematical disciplines and technologies, professional competence


The article is devoted to justifying  and defining the objectives of scientific research of the Department of Natural sciences, Mathematical Education and Information Technology of Mykolaiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute,  "Synergy of STEM-education opportunities in enhancing teachers professional competence in natural and mathematical education and technologies". Ensuring the improvement of teacher professional competence  in science and mathematical disciplines and technologies of general educational institutions is the main task of the department. As physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, mathematics, computer science constitute the  basis of STEM education,  using its principles and approaches should result in a significant increase in teachers professional competence and efficiency of the learning process.  The aim of the study is to create conditions for the synergy of STEM-education opportunities to improve the teacher professional competence.                  

At the level of practical implementation of the study it is planned to develop methodological materials for classes and criteria for assessing the level of teachers professional competence in STEM-education, diagnostic tools for respondents, as well as dissemination of innovative teaching experience in use of STEM-education.


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