
  • Любов Продан


Keywords: learning, development, evaluation, evaluating, individual approach, motives, readiness for educational activity, humanization of education, development of student’s creativity, self-control, self-education, self-esteem


The article reveals: the essence and role of evaluation of student’s educational achievements in the structure of personality activity; influence of motives of educational activity  on attitude towards educational activity and its results; the role of assessment in the individual approach to the student’s personality in the learning process. Personality-oriented approach to learning and, accordingly, assessment of students’ achievements, forming self-control skills,
self-assessment and self-education.
The reorientation of school learning in the information and reproduction process to the creative development of the student’s personality, the formation of his basic abilitiescompetencies, requires a change in approaches to assessing students’ achievements, which "must be based on a positive principle, which primarily involves taking into account the level of student’s achievement and not his degree of failures ". An assessment only becomes a
stimulus that induces an active mental work when the relationships between the teacher and the student are built on mutual trust and benevolence.
To evaluate knowledge means to be able to commemorate success in learning, and for this purpose the teacher is designed to find the right approach to each student, to keep the light of his curiosity, thirst for knowledge.


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2020-08-27 — Updated on 2020-08-27
