


professional adaptation, inclusion, professional counseling, career guidance, socialization, educational difficulties, children with special educational needs, professional choic, professional diagnostics, professional information


This article analyzes the psychological and pedagogical conditions necessary for career guidance work with children who have special educational needs in educational institutions. It discusses the current state of scientific research on career guidance work with such students. In modern institutions of general secondary education, career guidance work should aim to help those with special educational needs make a conscious choice about their future profession based on their capabilities, preferences, and the current needs of the labor market. The success of career guidance work is measured by the students' awareness of their future profession, their ability to make a conscious choice, their orientation towards self-discovery, their active engagement in learning the necessary knowledge and skills, and their positive evaluation of their chosen profession. The main specialized measures of vocational guidance work include professional diagnosis, professional information, professional counseling, professional choice, and professional adaptation. The author provides a detailed description of the components of career guidance work in general secondary education institutions, which aim to help students choose a future profession based on their abilities and psychophysical capabilities. The article also highlights effective career guidance measures that can be implemented for students with special educational needs in general secondary education institutions.


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