(за ідеями Г. Сковороди та спадщиною М. Корпанюка)





Korpanyuk, harmonious integrity, integrity, logico-semiotic models, Hryhoryi Skovoroda, civic-patriotic position


The article provides a comprehensive analysis of the model of harmonious integrity of the individual, which is considered in the context of social conditioning. The author identifies the structural components and system of factors that influence its development, as well as highlights the role of M. P. Korpaniuk's literary legacy in shaping this model. In the first part of the article, the author shares personal reflections and memories of Mykola Korpaniuk, providing insights into the life of this remarkable person, scientist, and patriot. The second part of the article focuses on a scientific and journalistic analysis of the concept of «integrity» and how it relates to the development of a harmonious integrity model for individuals. The author explores the civic-patriotic position, highlighting the importance of integrity and cordocentrism in shaping this model. Through an analysis of Professor Korpaniuk's legacy, the author identifies ethical norms and values that help construct a behavioral model of harmonious integrity. Logico-semiotic models based on the philosophy of triadism are then developed, providing readers with a deeper understanding of the figure of the scientist through his literary works. Three models are presented, including the cordocentric model of the creator of harmonious unity, Mykola Korpaniuk; the model of spiritual integrity as a «happy person» according to the ideas of Hryhoryi Skovoroda; and the dimensions of a «happy soul» according to Hryhoryi Skovoroda. Finally, the article defines the algorithm of a happy person as a whole personality, based on the ideas of Gr. Skovoroda. The components of this algorithm include knowledge of oneself, the world, and oneself in the world, as well as knowledge of the truth in «related work» and human freedom in the model of «unequal equality».  Overall, this article provides a valuable contribution to the study of harmonious integrity and its importance for individuals in the context of social conditioning. The analysis of Mykola Korpaniuk's literary legacy and the development of logico-semiotic models provide readers with a deeper understanding of this concept and its practical applications.


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