



adult education, educational services, educators, local history, local history education


Education is an organized pedagogical process that involves cognition, development, communication, and creativity, and it is one of the most effective means of adapting individuals to modern life. The changing world today requires new approaches to preparing individuals for life, particularly through education. It is extremely important for everyone to be aware of the need for lifelong learning as a social self-protection and a condition for personal and professional comfort in a rapidly changing world. Modern pedagogical learning technologies have great potential to stimulate education, ensure maximum activity of students in the educational process, optimal learning time, and its effectiveness. Local studies education in our time opens up to teachers the surrounding world with all the multifaceted, complex relationships of nature, society, and personality, satisfying the need for self-knowledge, self-realization, and contributes to the formation of personal qualities and value orientations. Therefore, the formation of an individual's socialization and professional activity can only take place under the conditions of high-quality local studies training of an educator. This highlights the need to involve pedagogical workers in the system of assimilation of historical-pedagogical and regional knowledge, formation of abilities, and skills. The qualitative definition of regional studies education, particularly the tasks of teacher training in this direction, essence, organization, functioning, development trends, remains relevant and requires the construction of a strategy for its development and management. This scientific and informational article highlights the regional studies and educational activities of the Mykolaiv In-Service Teaching Training Institute. Specifically, it discusses the development and implementation of regional educational programs, local studies such as "Steppe Hellas" and the program "Ethno-national palette of Steppe Hellas" on the ethnic history of the Mykolaiv region, which was done for the first time. Attention is also given to the introduction of new forms of local history work by the department of the institute with the teaching and student community, taking into account the modern educational needs of the teaching staff of the region.


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