(based on materials of experimental work)




educational program, experiment, universal human values, New Ukrainian school, value education, value environment


The article reveals the relevance of creating a valuable environment in institutions of general secondary education for building an end-to-end educational process in the New Ukrainian School. Important aspects of the new philosophy of education, creation of conditions for the development and socio-pedagogical support of the child's personality during schooling have been determined. Attention is focused on the new paradigm of upbringing and designing a holistic educational space in an educational institution, which requires a comprehensive approach to the process of a child's life, the development of his communicative abilities, the accumulation of experience, and the increase of the motivational sphere. The main principles of education of spiritual and moral values are defined. The development of a complex program for the development of a holistic personality, oriented to the value education of the «Generation of Successes», is proposed and its structure is outlined in the form of a model of content trajectories of values. The results of the experimental work on the approval of the educational program «New Ukrainian school in progress towards values» are presented. The stages and features of the implementation of the experiment on the basis of five schools of the Mykolaiv region are disclosed. The process of implementation of various active forms and methods of educational interaction in educational institutions - participants of the experiment is highlighted. The work of student teams within the framework of the «Ten Values of Today» project, aimed at realizing the basic moral values of humanity, is summarized. A selection of student media texts is offered. Conclusions are drawn on the basis of monitoring studies regarding the joint construction of the value content of education.


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