


cultural and aesthetic universals, cultural and aesthetic meanings and value, meta-categories of culture - ontos, chronos, topos, interdisciplinary research, strategy of integrated education, poetry of Dmytro Kremin


The modern dimension of the research of Dmytro Kremin's poetic work puts forward many aspects of historiosophical, cultural, philological, artistic-aesthetic, art history, and pedagogical discourses. The phenomenon of creativity of a poet, essayist, translator appears in the variety of gifts of this unique personality, whose thinking covered global problems of being and consciousness, organically combined the understanding of national and universal values. The proposed article poses the problem of the significance of cultural and aesthetic universals in Dmytro Kremin's poetic work, through which one can form an idea of the spiritual and creative foundations of his activity and worldview. An important practical aspect is the use of Dmytro Kremin's poetic work in the interdisciplinary connections of literature, art, history, ethnology, etc. disciplines of institutions of general secondary education. In the formation of integrated learning strategies, approaches are proposed that use the concept of cultural and aesthetic universals and contribute to the processes of learning the features of the general and the particular in teaching methods. In this direction, Dmytro Kremin's poetic texts become invaluable material for mastering the problems of interdisciplinary integration. For the first time, the problem of understanding Dmytro Kremin's poetic work from the point of view of cultural and aesthetic values is raised with the aim of attracting the appropriate methodological apparatus for use in the practice of integrated education. The author offers mechanisms for immersion in the poetic world of Dmytro Kremin with the aim of understanding his historical-cultural, value-aesthetic, figurative-semantic loads. Their identification and designation as certain universals is the basis for the practice of integrated education, a relevant methodological component of the New Ukrainian School.




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