A TRUE UKRAINIAN PATRIOT AS A VALUE (socio-cultural reception of Dmytro Kremen's creative work)

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competence, Dmytro Kremin, intentionality, methodological competence, reception desk, sociocultural competence, sociocultural reception, truth, value


Intelligence is dedicated to Dmytro Kremen, laureate of the State Prize named after T. G. Shevchenko. D. D. Kremin is a native of Transcarpathia. Creative formation took place in the Mykolaiv region. Poet. Writer. Publicist. Enlightenment. Patriot. The first part of the article contains an essay about Dmytro Kremen. The author shared his memories of Dmytro Kremen during his studies at the university. Impressions of communication during cooperation at the Mykolaiv Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education. Thoughts and experiences during dramatic situations in the artist's life. The second part of the essay presents a scientific and theoretical justification of the value model of life and creativity of Dmytro Kremen from the standpoint of socio-cultural reception. We conducted an analysis of concepts and terms. The author's understanding of «reception», «socio-cultural reception», «socio-cultural competence» is singled out. Functions and forms of creative reception are defined. Logico-semiotic models based on the philosophy of triadism have been developed. The proposed models correspond to the positions of socio-cultural reception. For the first time, the author's versions of the models «Reception as a concept and its components», «Characteristic features of reception», «The model of searching for the «key to the heart of the reader» according to Dmytro Kremen», «The model of «humanity» as a timeless artistic «truth» according to the poem D. Kremenya «Gershtein Memorandum». The author of the article offers a new approach to the study of Dmytro Kremen's lyrics for literature teachers. It is based on the complex use of various methods and technologies of constructing a literary lesson. Classes from the standpoint of socio-cultural reception contribute to the development of creative abilities of students-readers. The perspective of the research will consist in the systematization of practical experience in the implementation of various types of literary classes. The models of literary lessons will be focused on the study of Dmytro Kremen's lyrics in primary and basic secondary schools.


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