


lecture hall, professional competence, factor, renewal, permanence, teachers of natural and mathematical disciplines and technologies


The article is about updating the professional competence of teachers of natural and mathematical disciplines and technologies by using the resources of the regional lecture «Man in the Universe». The lecture is one of the events held by the Department of Theory and Methods of Natural and Mathematical Education and Information Technologies of the Mykolaiv In-Service Teacher Training Institute  in the intercourse period. The nature of organizational and pedagogical conditions (external and internal) is determined and it is proved that the lecture is one of the components of the external conditions for conducting a scientific study on the topic «Synergy of STEM education opportunities in improving the professional competence of teachers of science and mathematics education and technology». The following aspects are substantiated: the essence of the lecture (improvement of fundamental knowledge and practical skills of teachers, development of students' interest in natural and mathematical sciences); selection of its participants (teachers of physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, mathematics, technology; students - winners of regional intellectual competitions initiated by the department and all-Ukrainian level in natural and mathematical sciences, technology, robotics and STEM education in general); an approach to defining topics and scientific and methodological guidelines for using the content of the reports of the department's research and teaching staff in the educational processes of natural and mathematical disciplines and technologies (the material should be understandable and useful for teachers of the above categories). The author analyzes the opinions of domestic pedagogical scientists on the structure and essence of professional competence, ways of its formation, and proposes to consider it as a component of the teacher's own experience, identification of his/her professional achievements with the experience of other colleagues. It was taken into account when preparing the event (determining the topic of the meeting) that the professional competence of a teacher of physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, mathematics, and technology involves both knowledge of the relevant sciences and possession of practical teaching skills, modern innovative technologies in general and in accordance with the principles of STEM education in particular.


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