


charity, revival, historical information, patronage, national consciousness, the Arkas family, Ukrainian-language education, Ukrainisation


The article is devoted to the charitable activities of the famous Arkas family. The problems of patronage in the Mykolaiv region in the second half of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century are highlighted, especially through the charitable activities of the members of the Mykola Mykolaiovych Arkas family, because at that time the process of formation of the ideology of patronage was completed. A wide range of historical documentary sources eloquently testify to the fact that this activity became Mykola Arkas’ favourite; it deeply revealed his organisational skills, patriotism, desire to promote the development of the Ukrainian language and culture, and his ability to implement the national idea by raising his own funds, by patronage and charity. Mykola Mykolaiovych was an energetic, proactive and hard-working person. His name is known not only in Ukraine but also far beyond its borders. Examples of public, educational, cultural and creative activities of M. M. Arkas are given. Some facts from the history of Ukrainian-language education in the Mykolaiv region, the establishment of schools with Ukrainian as the language of instruction in the villages of Bohdanivka and Khrystoforivka at the expense of the Arkas family, the development of the village of Khrystoforivka, the establishment of the Khrystoforivka school in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and the subsequent unfortunate fate of both Arkas schools are presented. The article provides historical information about the cultural traditions of the Arkas family, in particular, the collection and preservation of monuments of material culture of ancient times and the times of the Ukrainian Cossacks, works of folk art. The article is addressed to the leaders of local history clubs, teachers of local history lessons and optional subjects.


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