


reading competence, competence exercises, types of competence exercises, competence questions, meditative elegy, competence tasks


The article provides a psychological and pedagogical analysis of competence-based exercises. The experience of methodologists in this direction is singled out. A number of concepts have been analyzed. The author’s understanding of «competent literary exercises» and «meditative elegy» is offered. The literary competence-oriented exercises on Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko’s poem «The Dug Up Grave» have been developed. The architecture of the article contains two parts. In the first part, the author presents an analysis of competence-based tasks. A psychological comment on reading competence has been made. The characteristics of reading competence, according to Natalia Chepeleva, have been highlighted. The components of reading competence are cognitive, communicative, and operational. The features and components are presented on the basis of the philosophy of the triad. The content of each component has been presented by the author from the perspective of literature methodology. The set of competencies of students-readers, proposed by Tamila Yatsenko, coincides with the author’s understanding. The article also presents the classification of competence-based exercises, which include: competence-oriented literary questions and competence-oriented literary tasks. The researcher defines each type and provides information about the types, and clarifies their structure. Moreover, each type of competence-oriented literary exercise is accompanied by a methodical commentary. The models of competence-oriented literary exercises have been developed based on Taras Hryhorovych Shevchenko’s poem «The Dug Up Grave». The samples of competence-oriented literary exercises have been developed. The author’s view on the study of the poem as a meditative elegy is presented. The author’s understanding of the concept of «meditative elegy» is clarified. A number of literary competence questions and tasks corresponding to typology and classification are proposed. The components are taken into account and correspond to the developed architecture of each competence literary exercise. The emphasis is placed on the value-ethical component in the formation of intelligent students-readers. For this purpose, the motto of the literary lesson using the statements of Ivan Dziuba was used. The value-ethical norm of the meditative elegy is defined as «the glory of the Cossacks, the glory of Ukraine».


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