


a German fairy tale «Mrs. Blizzard», Hruhorii Skovoroda, «Oksana Saiko «The Wallet», «Proverbs. Sayings. Fairy Tales», spirituality, the concept, the concept of triad; the model of a «happy person», «the three-dimensionality of the world», the value-based and ethical attitude, visualization


The article is dedicated to the conceptual model of a «happy personality». The author substantiates the actuality of the issue in view of the importance of Hruhorii Skovoroda’s legacy as well as modern philosophers’ within the system of value orientations. It has been studied a number of works by scientists in order to achieve the aim of the research and has been transformed the tried and tested into the system of literary education at large. The paper clarifies the necessity of the implementation of new basic principles of the concept of the «happy person» during the reading activity of students. The author uses the literary works according to the model programs developed for the 5th – 6th grades, as well as suggests making use of the methodological recommendations to language teachers concerning teaching literature. The models for the conception of the «happy personality» through visualization have been worked out. In order to organize reading activities, the author emphasizes a set of procedures that encourage students’ activity. The proposed educational situations are in accord with the target tasks of literary cooperation, whose realization involves a set of types of dialogue reading activities. The researcher has analysed scientific works of philosophers, pedagogical workers, and methodologists in the context of the problem of the formation of the «happy personality», as well as the normative documents in general and the educational curriculum «Ukrainian literature» and «Foreign Literature» of the New Ukrainian School in particular. The chosen texts correspond to new model programs. The materials for the teachers of literature have been developed taking into account competent, active, and axiological strategies. Moreover, the experience of experts in pedagogy from the standpoint of value-based and ethical norms has been studied. Finally, the author reveals a number of perspectives for further investigation of the presented issue.


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