


gender competency of a leader, gender culture, gender equality, gender policy, gender stereotypes


In the scientific-methodological article, the normative-legal and institutional provisions for gender policy in the management of general secondary education institutions are examined, with major directions for achieving gender parity in the governance of educational institutions discussed. It is indicated that the application of a gender approach within any educational program must be based on human rights, and aspects of gender equality since it plays an important role in the context of understanding these rights. The article addresses gender stereotypes that do not match the objective realities of the world and become an obstacle to effective social development. It is noted that the implementation of gender approaches in teacher training is fundamental to enhancing their professional competencies and personal development as active participants in the social life of society. The author of the paper analyses normative-legal acts in the field of gender policy implementation, as well as some specialized terminological tools focused on the field of gender equality, and the management aspect of implementing the Gender Equality Strategy in the education sector is highlighted by the researcher too. Theoretical approaches to defining the concept of a leader's gender competency are clarified. The components of managerial gender competency, its meaning, managerial gender competency, its meaning, and components are identified. The problems of forming gender competency in education institution leaders at three levels are considered. Psychological conditions for the development of gender competency in education institution leaders are determined. The main tasks of the education institution leader regarding the implementation of gender policy, formation of gender culture, and creation of a safe educational environment, free from any forms of violence and discrimination, are outlined.


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