


internal quality assurance system of the educational institution, monitoring, learning results, quality of education, self-assessment



In the methodical article, an analytical review of modern research and current regulatory documents is carried out, which allows us to assert the urgent need of general secondary education institutions to ensure that students obtain learning results that meet the requirements established by legislation and to adjust the internal system for ensuring the quality of education, taking into account challenges and risks caused by the war. It is proven that the ability of the school to form a culture of quality that will satisfy the needs and expectations of interested parties depends on the ability of pedagogical teams and educational managers to timely detect negative changes in the results of educational activities, find out their causes, and quickly neutralize them. It is substantiated that monitoring as a management mechanism is able to help managers minimize risks in management, as it provides information support for making informed management decisions based on tracking trends, determining cause and effect relationships, objectively assessing the situation, and identifying the causes of deviations. The essential features of the learning result as an object of monitoring, containing mandatory results defined by state standards, presented by groups and detailed by general and specific results, benchmarks for evaluation, and end-to-end skills, are characterized. It is emphasized that pedagogical teams lack practices for monitoring learning results in this sense; they need methodical support for their modeling and inclusion in the school's internal quality system. The emphasis is placed on the conditions under which the system for monitoring learning results will be effective. On this basis, methodical recommendations are proposed for school leaders regarding the ways of its implementation in the internal system of ensuring the quality of education in order to achieve sustainable development and continuous improvement of quality.


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