


excursion activity, natural history publication, Oleksandr Yanata, scientific and educational activity, scientific society


Today, there is a need for an objective reproduction of the processes of formation and development of domestic scientific research at the regional level, taking into account the peculiarities of the scientific environment of the region. One of the main sources of theory and history is the significant heritage of the past, retrospective scientific experience and ideas of prominent natural scientists. In view of this, it is advisable to conduct a historical analysis of scientific and research institutions, various societies and prominent personalities in the context of the development of not only national scientific affairs but also the popularisation of scientific knowledge among a wide range of stakeholders. In this regard, it is relevant to highlight the Mykolaiv period of scientific path, research, organizational, and educational activities to recreate certain pages of the biography of Oleksander Aloizovych Yanata (1888-1938), the scientist of a broad outlook who launched new scientific directions in botany and made a significant contribution to the development of Ukrainian science. Based on a wide range of sources, the article traces the process of accumulation and dissemination of natural knowledge in the spatial and temporal dimension among the local population of the Mykolaiv region in the early twentieth century. For the first time, the article focuses on the significant results of the research work of Oleksander Aloizovych Yanata’s research work at the start of his career, which is associated with the Mykolaiv region. His activities as an organiser and active member of the Mykolaiv Society of Nature Lovers, initiator of the regional natural history journal, and active participant in popular science events held by members of the Mykolaiv scientific centre are examined in detail. The organisational and educational role of Oleksander Yanata in the excursion activities of the Society and the promotion of natural history trips among the public of the region is revealed.


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