


consolidation, national idea, national identity, national security, Russian-Ukrainian war, values


Since 2014, the armed aggression of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine has raised the issue of the national idea, identity, and character of Ukrainians in a very acute way for the scientific community and the public. Unfortunately, during the years of independence, it has not been possible to form a clear position in society on these issues. In the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war, an important component of national security is the preservation of national identity and the development of a new Ukrainian idea to consolidate society, develop civil society, and increase the level of patriotism among today’s youth. The national idea in the views of prominent Ukrainian figures has been constantly transforming, ranging from dreams of Ukraine’s independence to the belief that Ukrainian independence is inevitable and includes the desire for freedom, democracy, cultural revival, and European integration. The problem of the formation of the Ukrainian idea and national identity is the subject of research by contemporary historians, political scientists, social philosophers, cultural studies, and ethnologists, which demonstrates its multidimensionality and crucial importance for modern Ukraine. The Revolution of Dignity and the war have fundamentally changed society and attitudes towards Ukraine, especially in the value dimension. We have become more courageous and resilient, we do not back down in the face of difficulties and we skillfully and gratefully accept the help of friends. In today’s global world, Ukrainians are fighting together for democracy, peace and other best achievements of civilization, gaining their rightful and prominent place. Today, the fundamental factors, markers and elements of national identity and ideas can be the following: language, historical memory, European values, the victories of our heroes, unity, culture, activity, dignity, freedom, will, independence, unity, consolidation, national security. Today, we must not lose this war, because our national idea and the new Ukrainian were formed on the Maidans, because people who overcame their fears went against the enemy with a wooden shield, united the nation, mobilized it to fight and inspired it to win – for the sake of the present and for the sake of the future. The basis for the national idea was the slogan: «Freedom, Dignity, Will».


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