


geography, integrated approach, integration, intersubject communications


The scientific-methodological article deals with an actual problem devoted to the study of pedagogical integration as a category of education. In the course of writing the work, various approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «integration» from the point of view of the interpretation of its meaning by scientists of different countries were clarified. The essence and tasks of an integrated approach to teaching geography are pinpointed. The main aspects of its implementation are defined and disclosed. According to the model programs of the New Ukrainian School, integration of subjects in the 7th grade on certain topics is proposed. The features of the modern integrated lesson in the New Ukrainian School are highlighted. The purpose of geographic education in general secondary education institutions is the formation of the key and subject competencies in students, as well as geographic culture as a necessary quality of a person living in the conditions of a globalized world as a part of universal human culture. Currently, school geographical education is going through a difficult period; the hours for its study are reduced, despite the fact that geography is a mandatory subject in the basic curriculum. Therefore, in order to strengthen the variable component in the conditions of the competence approach, the attention is focused on the results of learning by means of courses by choosing an integrated direction. Thus, the implementation of integrated learning in the study of geography is the need of the hour. One of the main ways of methodically updating lessons in the New Ukrainian School is the preparation of integrated lessons, which are conducted on the basis of the educational material of interdisciplinary connections, as one of the forms of educational activity that allows not only to combine information from different disciplines in one lesson but also promotes the improvement of cognitive activity of students, better assimilation of knowledge and skills, and deeper perception and understanding of concepts being studied.


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