academic integrity, academic texts, digital archive, educational resource, open access, repository, scientific space, softwareAbstract
This article explores the development, transformation, and influence of academic text repositories within the scientific community, with a focus on their application in postgraduate pedagogical education. The study examines publications by both international and Ukrainian scholars on digital archives and typologies, providing insights into how these repositories can be integrated into educational processes to enhance the preservation and dissemination of scientific knowledge. The structure and functionality of modern institutional repositories are analyzed, with a detailed case study of the Mykolaiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute’s repository. This repository was developed to address the deterioration of paper-based academic texts stored in unsuitable conditions. The digitization of these texts and their availability on an open-access platform underline the importance of repositories in safeguarding and promoting academic work. The article further discusses the significance of open access in improving educational quality by enabling scholars and educators to freely access current research, thus fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation. The role of repositories in integrating Ukrainian science into the global academic community is emphasized, especially in the context of the country’s transition to European academic standards. The repository’s role in supporting academic integrity and preventing the loss of scientific contributions is also highlighted. Technical aspects such as server infrastructure, software choices, metadata management, access control, and security measures are covered in detail. The repository’s unique approach to software development, tailored to meet specific institutional needs, is highlighted.
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