


composition, embroidery, ethnic design, ethnic style, extracurricular education, group work, national identity, ornament


The methodical article is devoted to the use of ethnic stylistic traditions in the process of designing decorative products by pupils in the classes of a group in an out-of-school education institution. The role of ethnic style in the education of the national identity of Ukrainian youth in the conditions of modern challenges related to war and aggression by the Russian Federation is considered. A program of possible actions during children’s participation in a design project is described, which is the process of creating a new product that has a logical structure, corresponding stages: preparatory, modeling, construction, technological preparation, and reflection. The recommendations have been developed for teachers regarding the effective implementation of ethnic style in the classes of clubs of extracurricular activities in order to form patriotic values and a deep understanding of the cultural heritage of Ukraine among the residents of clubs. The practical aspects of the creative use of ethnic stylistic traditions in working with pupils of the out-of-school education system are offered. It is emphasized that the involvement of ethnic stylistic traditions in the process of creating decorative products in the classes of a group in an out-of-school education institution contributes to the establishment and formation of the Ukrainian national identity of pupils. Particular attention is paid to the work of modern Ukrainian artists who use ethnic style in their works, exploring its evolution and significance in the modern context. The article provides an example of a successful design project, «The Amulet Map of Mykolaiv and Mykolaiv Region», which was developed on the basis of ethnic style and traditions of embroidered and woven ornaments. The recommendations provided in the article will enable teachers to more effectively implement ethnic style in their work. The novelty of the work consists in expanding and deepening ideas about the significant influence of ethno-cultural specificity, ethnic style, and folk artistic crafts on the establishment of the Ukrainian national identity of pupils.


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