
  • Ганна Суріна


Keywords: project management, the international standard ICB IPMA – 3.0, European integration, study project, project method.


Project management is one of the most popular specialties in education of Ukraine, since the processes of European integration dictate the need for accelerated learning of the experience of developed countries in this field. The implementation of any project requires highly qualified
specialists able to work in conditions of unstable external influences and to be able to solve
non-standard working situations. Therefore, the article describes the technical, behavioral and
contextual competences of the international standard ICB IPMA - 3.0, recognized in Ukraine.
Standards are required for undergoing certification procedures of the professional project
management.. Such kind of certification is not mandatory in Ukraine, but those who wish to
work abroad in the project management field has to be certified.
The article presents the certification conditions, options for obtaining higher education
in the field of project management in Ukraine. The steps for developing of such education in the
reforming process of the New Ukrainian School are being analyzed. Emphasis has been placed
on the educational technology “project method” for developing project activities skills in the
educational process, as well as on the importance of international assistance, contributing to
the education of project management field on the way of European integration processes in
Ukraine.  The article describes the experience of interaction between Ukraine and Slovakia in the
framework of the educational project “Active citizen - effective power”. This training project is
taking place in Ukraine as part of the National Strategy for the Promotion of Civil Society for
2016–2020 yy.
Zaporizhzhia, Poltava, Zakarpattia and Mykolaiv regions took part in the project. The
aim of the project is to improve the efficiency of public administration and civil society.
The article concludes that on the way to European integration, Ukraine needs to solve
many problems and to respond on modern challenges in the field of project management. One
of these challenges is the need to develop project management competencies for undergoing
an international certification procedure for relevant standards. The way to acquiring such
competencies should start from school, that has been provided by the education reform in
Ukraine. International organizations that are interested in speeding up the European integration
processes in Ukraine significantly help to update the content of education on this way.


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