
  • vitalii hladun МОІППО


Keywords: public education, folk pedagogy, nation, national education, patriotism.


Abstract. The article substantiates the Ushynskyi’s national education concept which states:  for centuries every civilized nation would have to develop its own national ideal that would be fully in the interests of national development.

Kostiantyn Ushynskyi's doctrine of the national education essence and importance as the basis for social life has not lost its relevance today. 

He  answered with his nationality concept on questions of how the public school should develop and what basis should be laid into the entire state educational system. Kostiantyn Ushynskyi made a significant contribution to the development of theoretical and practical aspects of patriotic education and he also believed that national spirit was the basis of the educational process for youth.

It should be understood that a deep study and creative use of Kostiantyn Ushynskyi's heritage will help educators and parents to grow up patriotic citizens of their state. It was he who proved that there was none universal standard for all national systems. The outstanding thinker saw  his pedagogy basis in the use of forms and methods of the past, present and future generations.

According to Kostiantyn Ushynskyi there are such  main components of national education as ethnogenesis and  its individual features formation, mentality, mother tongue, harmonic balance of the universal and the individual; folk customs and traditions. The first acknowledge in the patriotic education is feelings for the local motherland and native nature in the neighborhood.

By the way, the educator emphasized that enhancing Ukrainian national values (such as statehood, democracy, prosperity, industriousness and responsibility) requires in particular  gender-related education for the person's civic growth and full individual development.

So the main components of Ushynskyi's national upbringing doctrine were nationality, religiosity, mother tongue, labour, national customs and traditions etc.



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