


syntax study, linguodidactic analysis of the text, Lesya Ukrainka’s poetic texts, simple sentence, complex sentence, text-centrism.


The practice-oriented article analyzes the problem of using the literary heritage of the famous Ukrainian writer, translator, folklorist, and cultural figure of the XX Lesya Ukrainka in a modern lesson of the Ukrainian language. Her contribution to cultural life, in particular literary, is invaluable, because the artist presented various genres of poetry, epic, drama; she developed the genre of dramatic poem in Ukrainian literature.

The didactic potential of the writer's program works, such as teaching, developmental and educational functions of texts in the process of studying syntax, is determined. It was found that the simultaneous study of the syntax and creativity of Lesya Ukrainka is appropriate only in 8th and 10th grades. In other classes, this will encourage teachers to build a Ukrainian language lesson based on the repetition of the studied material or, conversely, to work ahead, thus making interested in the artist’s work.

The scientific-methodical article presents different types of exercises based on the literary text. They are analytical ( to define the grammatical features of lexical units in the text), constructive (to reconstruct the text or its fragments), creative (to guess the part or create your own text).

Original exercises based on Lesya Ukrainka's poems have been developed during the processing of a simple sentence in secondary school: division of a text into a sentence; sentences for the purpose of expression; punctuation marks at the end of the sentence; phrases; main and dependent word in the phrase; secondary members of the sentence; addressing, punctuation marks when addressing; simple compounded and uncompounded sentences. A system of tasks based on a text-centric approach for studying a complex sentence in high school is proposed: types of complex sentences (generalizations).



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