


distance learning in martial law, information technology, postgraduate education


The article considers the  experience of the teachers' curator  in postgraduate education in Mykolaiv region during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The organization,  psychology and pedagogy features of the adults distance learning process  in complex and unpredictable conditions are revealed. The society needs evidence of finding solutions for the organization of postgraduate education with information technology during the military aggression of the Russian Federation against the peaceful Ukrainian population. The definition of the curator’s role and teacher in postgraduate education is offered and examples of  these roles combining during the distance learning are given.

Real examples of postgraduate education in wartime testify that  training of staff in the Mykolaiv region occurs in a remote mode as planned due to the annual plan.

It is noted that pedagogical staff of postgraduate education within martial law ensured the rapid resumption of the learning process in such a way as to distract students from the bombings and horrors of war.  Therefore, no matter how difficult it is to experience the current situation in the country, it is necessary to give teachers the opportunity to improve their skills by acquiring new professional skills.


The article considers the  experience of the teachers' curator  in postgraduate education in Mykolaiv region during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The organization,  psychology and pedagogy features of the adults distance learning process  in complex and unpredictable conditions are revealed. The society needs evidence of finding solutions for the organization of postgraduate education with information technology during the military aggression of the Russian Federation against the peaceful Ukrainian population. The definition of the curator’s role and teacher in postgraduate education is offered and examples of  these roles combining during the distance learning are given.

Real examples of postgraduate education in wartime testify that  training of staff in the Mykolaiv region occurs in a remote mode as planned due to the annual plan.

It is noted that pedagogical staff of postgraduate education within martial law ensured the rapid resumption of the learning process in such a way as to distract students from the bombings and horrors of war.  Therefore, no matter how difficult it is to experience the current situation in the country, it is necessary to give teachers the opportunity to improve their skills by acquiring new professional skills.


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