life directions, education, personal characteristics, G. Skovoroda, moral values, outlook, Н. SkovorodaAbstract
The article investigates the importance of education of personality’s life directions, which contribute to the overall person development , the development of their values and beliefs. Moreover, these life directions help to interact better with other people in modern society, solve professional problems and show competitiveness in current working conditions. It is found out that H. Skovoroda in his written works often pays attention to the importance of bulding strong moral values. For this reason, many works of the writer have an instructive purpose. The cultural heritage of H. Skovoroda is filled with valuable life principles that continue to be relevant today. Life directions are set out in poems, parables, letters, but the most vividly instructive views are summarized in the «Kharkiv Fables». In the fables H. Skovoroda tries to implement the basic life values that represent humanism, high morality, and love for the people. Each fable contains the author’s explanation, which helps to understand and realize the importance and necessity of those life directions that the philosopher depicts. From the series of the texts «Kharkiv Fables» by H. Skovoroda, the philosopher’s life directions are singled out and analyzed. These directions indicate the importance of educating such key human characteristics as: hardworking, rationality, prudence, giftedness, persistence, individuality, respect to others, and the desire to constant development. In addition, the necessary components in the education of moral values include knowledge, experience, honor, welfare, friendship (relationship), and faith.
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