


digitization, school biology course, learning biology process, STEM education, technical training


The article examines the first results of the digitalization of  Biology school course in terms of STEM education. The issue of digitalization (digitization) of the Biology course as a component of STEM education, is considered.  It involves the use of digital equipment and software in the learning process, which contributes to the increase of competitiveness and  creativity potential of students. The use of digital technologies make it possible to individualize educational sessions taking into account the abilities of each student. Mobile technologies are becoming learning tools, opening up wide opportunities for using them in education, so teachers are to develop new ways of conveying information to students and combine them with traditional teaching methods. The use of modern information technologies in the educational process is an important part of the teacher's profession.  BYOD technology under proper conditions of using mobile technologies in the learning process of primary school is the right means for improving the Biology learning process. The optimal conditions to create a modern learning environment were clarified and recommendations were provided to use  modern digital applications to teach biology.


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