( insights from Professor Nila Voloshina's Ideas)




methodological competence, New Ukrainian School, Nila Voloshyna, professional development, professional studio, studio classes typology


The article presents the theoretical development of new forms of organizing professional development for philology teachers in the context of the legacy of Professor Nila Voloshina. The authors have developed a model of a professional studio, including a set of classes, their architecture, and content. They determined the components of professional development for literature teachers based on the scientific work of Professor Voloshina and incorporated them into the modern teacher training model. The professional studio and methodical model align with the ideas and goals of the Concept of the New Ukrainian School. The first part of the article contains an essay about Nila Voloshyna - scientific director, consultant, advisor, guardesse. The second part presents a scientific and theoretical justification of the expediency of new forms of professional development. A conceptual apparatus (its content) has been built, which includes, in particular, the following concepts: «professional studio», «methodical studio session», «methodical workshop (master class)», «workshop lesson». «Conceptual components of the model of the professional studio of a philologist» are represented by a logico-semiotic model. The proposed author's model is built within the framework of the triadic philosophy. The author presents a new approach to enhancing the skills of literature teachers by utilizing various methods and technologies. This approach is implemented through the concept of a professional (author's methodical) studio, which has been tested since 2000. The analysis of scientific intelligence and the experiences of other scientists who organize teacher professional development in studio format contributed to the author's understanding of the concepts and technology of conducting studio classes. Through these classes, the creative abilities of students-readers are developed. The research will focus on systematizing practical experience in implementing various types of classes and improving models of professional development for philologists.


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