


activity approach, creativity, educational process in biology, project activity, project method, school biology course


The scientific-methodical article reveals the importance of using the project method as a means of implementing an activity approach in the educational process of biology, which contributes to the development of the creative potential of students and is a guarantee of effective student learning. The advantages of project-based learning as a modern pedagogical technology are determined. The relationship between the activity approach and project-based learning, which complement each other and contribute to the involvement of students in active activities, the development of their practical skills, critical thinking, creativity and independence, has been proven. Aspects of the main ideas of STEM education, features of STEM projects and their numerous advantages that contribute to the learning and development of students are revealed. The advantages of implementing the project method are characterized and recommendations are given for its implementation in the educational process of the subject. Biology and ecology teachers are offered subjects of educational projects in accordance with current programs. Emphasis is placed on the possibilities of implementing STEM education through the practical activities of students, the implementation of project technology and the implementation of an activity approach in the educational process of biology and ecology. For the first time, the topics of STEM projects by integration are proposed and the planning of work on a STEM project is illustrated.


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