
  • Вікторія Стойкова


Keywords: methodical services; the principle of «knowledge just in time»; regional centers for educational development; model of implementation of innovative educational projects (ADDIE); Competency Development Projection Model (IBSTPI); didactic matrix for designing the educational process, a cycle of andragogy.


The article presents new approaches to the organization of activities of regional and institutional methodological services, aimed at the continuous professional development of teaching staff. Their functions and principles of activity are defined. Among the key principles are the following: regionality; humanization of teachers' professional development; andragogy of educational process; the dynamic ratio of theoretical and practical training; continuity; openness; cascades; matrix; selectivity (auto-selectivity); contextuality and reflexive context, minimax.

Particular attention is paid to the principle of timely provision of methodological and educational services, which in logistics is called «knowledge just in time». For its realization in the Mykolaiv region on the basis of leading scientific-methodical establishments eight regional centers of education development are created. They are intended to provide accessibility in obtaining high-quality postgraduate education, economic feasibility and rational use of material, technical, human and financial resources, an approximation of quality educational services to the consumer.

The author considers the course of professional development of teachers as a complex multi-component process for describing which on the one hand applies the model of implementation of innovative educational projects (ADDIE), and on the other - the model of development of competence proposed by the International Board of Standards for Training, Performance, and Instruction (IBSTPI). At the same time, the formation of competence in the article is considered as a continuous evolutionary process, which is subject to the principles of dynamism and self-dynamism.

As a tool for developing the content-technological support for the professional development of teachers during periods between certifications, it is recommended to use a didactic matrix for designing the educational process.



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