model, New Ukrainian School, quest, quest technologyAbstract
Pre-school education is a primary component of the system of continuous education in Ukraine, therefore the transition from the status of a preschool child to the status of a schoolchild is the most difficult period in a child's life, which is connected with entering a new social environment with a new type of relationship with adults, peers and new educational activities. The use of innovative game technology, especially quest technology, in educational activities makes it possible to achieve the above goals. Taking into account the concept of the New Ukrainian School and the requirements of the basic component of preschool education, we come to the conclusion that psychophysiological, personal and intellectual readiness are the main components of the readiness of a child of older preschool age for school. The scientific-methodical article reveals the possibilities of using the innovative quest technology in the educational process of preschool education for forming the readiness of older preschool children to study at the National Educational Institution. By participating in the quest, the preschooler learns to think critically, to find the necessary information, to analyse it, to classify it, to perform the tasks proposed, to form cognitive activities and key competences. The article presents the characteristics of the model of using quest technology in preschool educational institutions, reveals its content, methodological and organisational components, describes the principles, approaches, methods and means, reveals the stages of work on quest and indicates the key competences. It has been confirmed that the use of the possibilities of Quest will ensure the formed readiness of older preschool children to study at the National Educational Institution.
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