methodological aspects of creating video lessons, mixed learning, remote, video hosting platforms, video lesson, screencasting, video editingAbstract
During the war, many Ukrainian educational institutions, in order to ensure the continuity of the educational process, were forced to use distance and mixed learning formats; therefore, creating high-quality, interesting video lessons is a challenge and an urgent task for teachers. The implementation of the New Ukrainian School Concept and the psychological characteristics of modern children also require new approaches to the organization of the educational process from teachers. Studying the methodological features of developing and creating video lessons, appropriate software and tools for working with videos is a necessity for modern teachers, as they make it possible to fill the educational process with interesting, meaningful, and interactive content. Owing to these skills, teachers can adapt educational material to the needs of students, involve them in the educational process, stimulate interest in learning, and promote better assimilation of the material in distance and mixed formats. The methodological and technological aspects of creating effective video lessons in the context of modern educational practice are considered in the scientific and methodological article. The attention is focused on the importance of the correct algorithm of actions for creating video materials during the organization of training in distance and mixed formats while using an «inverted learning» technology. The types and stages of creating video lessons, software for screencasting and editing, working with audio and types of platforms for hosting ready-made videos have been analyzed, and examples of some popular free tools for working with videos have been given too. The author provides the recommendations on the optimal choice of tools and approaches to achieve pedagogical goals and increase efficiency in teaching. The paper may be useful for teachers and specialists in the field of education who are interested in the use of modern technologies in the educational process.
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