variant and invariant changes, implementation of Ukrainian spelling (2019), methods and forms of improving spelling literacy, speech/state language competence, spelling trainingAbstract
The scientific and methodological article focuses on practical aspects of the implementation of the valid spelling rules in the educational institutions of the Mykolaiv region during 2019-2024. It has been defined some major challenges on the way to the operational study of all innovations and their successful implementation by the participants of the educational process, in particular: competent interpretation of official explanatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine; lack of textbooks according to the norms of the current orthography for students of grades 5-11; outdated spelling dictionaries and basic reference books; the inability of educators to critically consume information from the Internet, in particular, ready-made methodological products with numerous errors and violations of journalistic standards; selection of the source of the new spelling text features of the adaptive period of spelling changes for students of grades 1-11, future graduates who will take EIА/NMT, pedagogical workers of various categories. In order to provide operational professional (subject-methodical) assistance to teachers of the Mykolayiv region, effective forms and methods of mastering their updated variant and invariant spelling changes have been developed: interactive lectures and practical classes within the framework of advanced training courses on topics of a cross-cutting language-communicative component; competently and activity-oriented variative modules; training courses (certified events); express studios; guest lectures of leading experts; consultations live and remotely; video consultations and video recommendations; articles, abstracts, educational and teaching aids; visualized didactic materials. The role of the competence-oriented and activity-oriented variative module «Ukrainian Spelling-2019» (for all teachers of the Mykolaiv region) and the author’s training course «Spelling Literacy of the Modern Educator» (aimed at teachers and methodologists of MISTTI) in the linguodidactic training of participants is highlighted.
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