


confirmation of Ukrainian national and civic identity of teachers, psychological-pedagogical support, psychological-pedagogical support of preschool teachers


The scientific publication highlights the issue of psychological and pedagogical support for the establishment of the Ukrainian national and civic identity of preschool teachers in the conditions of postgraduate education. Based on the results of the analysis of the main studies and publications on the mentioned problem, the essence of the definitions «psychological-pedagogical support» and «affirmation of the Ukrainian national and civic identity of teachers» was clarified, and the actual definition of the concept «psychological-pedagogical support of teachers of preschool education» was formulated. The course of the questionnaire applied at the first analytical and confirmatory stage of personal scientific research is highlighted. Examples of the implementation of psychological and pedagogical support of teachers of preschool education institutions on the specified issue during the war are given. It has been proven that it is important and expedient for the implementation of high-quality postgraduate education and ensuring an effective educational process in preschool education institutions to promote the establishment of the national identity of pedagogical workers. This is from the point of view of preserving stability, cultural heritage, patriotism, and psychological support of education seekers. The creation of an effective toolkit for assessing the affirmation of the Ukrainian national and civic identity of teachers is an essential step to ensure quality preschool education and education of future generations of patriots of Ukraine. The implementation of psychological-pedagogical support for post-graduate students will contribute to more effective activities of preschool teachers in the formation of patriotic feelings, national pride, civic responsibility, and love for our country in preschool children.


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