
  • anastasiia kuznietsova Миколаївський обласний інститут післядипломної педагогічної освіти


communication skills; literary heritage of Ushynskyi; methods and techniques of working with text; modern Ukrainian language lesson; modern educational approaches; text centred approach.


The article is devoted to the literary heritage use of the outstanding Ukrainian XX century teacher Konstantin Ushinsky as the basis for the text centred approach in the secondary Ukrainian language lessons.

The reorientation of school education to the developing of subject and core competencies (in this case particularly throughout Ukrainian language lessons) requires changing the traditional approaches. The unity of linguistic, speech and spelling competencies is the heart of the text centred approach. This technology is undoubtedly productive, because working within text develops the language perception and enriches learners’ vocabulary.

Text-based language learning enables to monitor the language functioning and to develop language skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. With this approach, language acquisition becomes not an abstract knowledge, but a conscious practice. As for learning Ukrainian language the text centred approach involves the use of various methods and techniques, as well as provides partnership and interaction (working in pairs, micro groups, groups, individual and collective work).

Famous writers’ nonfiction works and prominent educators’ researches can be takes as learning texts. For example,  Kostiantyn Ushynskyi is a national teacher, a methodologist, a linguist, an author of primary school textbooks and a children’s writer. His tales and stories fulfilled moral  values have a significant educational nature. Besides, his author’s style is distinguished by a peculiar linguistic design. This is precisely what allows to make a productive use of Kostiantyn Ushynskyi’s literary heritage in the modern lesson of Ukrainian language.


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