
  • Tetiana Tykhonova МОІППО
  • Olga Zakhar Mykolaiv Regional In-Service Teacher Training Institute


asynchronous learning, distance education, distance learning platform, educational Internet resources, online learning, synchronous learning


The coronavirus pandemic highlights the need for the wide use of distance learning technologies in education. Distance learning differs from traditional face-to-face learning, and the classroom  cannot be fully reproduced online. The challenges faced by teachers, students and parents in quarantine can be grouped into several categories related with technic, organization, pedagogy and psychology. To implement distance learning technologies, the  educational institutions need to analyze the available resources such as the level of providing  technical means, Internet connection, digital technology to teachers and students. Then a manager of an educational institution has to choose a unified approach to conduct classes using distance learning technologies, taking into account the communication means with teachers, parents and students, including the situation when there is a lack of a device or Internet connection, to organize teachers  assistance in mastering the distance teaching skills. Teachers of educational institutions have to plan classes, taking into consideration the quarantine probability, to determine the appropriate scope and tasks amount  in terms of synchronous and asynchronous learning modes; to master the distance learning technologies, to choose videos and online resources for a subject study, to develop interaction tasks with the use of online tools and to establish timely communication with parents and students.

The organization of high-quality large-scale distance learning is a complex and multifactorial process, which is currently in its infancy stage. But painstaking systematic work on the distance learning introduction will yield positive results over time.

Further areas of research are the substantiation and development of andragogical technologies for teachers' digital competencies, particularly in the field of distance learning.



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