
  • Аnastasiia Кuznietsova Миколаївський обласний інститут післядипломної педагогічної освіти


Keywords: methods and techniques of working with text; modern educational technologies; poetic texts; the didactic horizons of the text; Ukrainian language lesson.


The article analyzes the use of Dmytro Kremin's poetics, who is an outstanding writer, publicist and translator, during the Ukrainian language lessons. It is a common fact that literary texts and poetry in particular are highly important for Ukrainian language study at any level as they contribute to the  core and subject skills development.

Dmytro Kremin's literary heritage is   methodologically significant. The use of his poetry develops students' creativity and critical thinking skills, speech abilities, independence, partnership, commitment to self development, emotional and social skills, it also inspires children to join a wondrous world of poetics and even or create it themselves. In Dmytro Kremin's works the beauty and brilliance of Ukrainian wording are heard,  the deeply philosophical meaning is filled with the life-giving power of the folk language, which was transferred from the Carpathians to the southern steppes. That is why his artistic heritage makes it possible to integrate language and literature lessons, turning them into lessons of words beauty and art. The methodological and aesthetic value of Dmytro Kremin's poems for the study of all Ukrainian language sections is revealed in the article. To master the language skills the original tasks based on his poetry have been developed, including orthoepy, accentology, spelling, morphemes and word formation, lexicology, morphology, syntax and punctuation, text linguistics. The tasks represent methods and techniques through symbiosis of text centre approach (or text creating approach) with leading educational technologies such as: personality-oriented learning, critical thinking development, productive learning, creativity development, problem solving, partnership, dialogue technology, eidotechnics.



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