ORCID iD 0000-0001-9256-2091 Media Education In Mykolaiv Region: Experimental And Project Work Of Mykolaiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute


  • Maksym Zaporozhchenkо Миколаївський ОІППО


information competence, mass media, media culture, media education, media educational activity, media experiment, media hygiene, media literacy, media psychology, media traumatization


The article covers the main directions of experimental and project work of the Mykolaiv In-Service Teacher Training Institute as for the media education development in the region.

The analysis has been made to define and classify the information literacy concepts and individual information competence. The article also describes the cooperation with domestic and international institutions and the media that provide support for activities at the all-Ukrainian level. The author outlines the prospects of our institute to be a center for advanced teachers training in the context of the end-to-end model for media literacy introduction in the learning process o institutions in Mykolaiv region.

The normative documents to design experimental work, the research stages, the purpose and objectives of the media educational project are described.

There is a covered issue of creating a permanent community of teachers, scientists, parents and activists to tackle child and adult media trauma and media addiction.

The author has outlined the importance of involving students and teachers in competitions, festivals aimed at the development of media creative participants. The activities carried out by the institute in 2019–2020 as participation in the international project «Learn To Discern» and the all-Ukrainian experiment «Standardization of the end-to-end social and psychological model of media education» are described.



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