



Keywords: analysis of art pieces; conscious perception; information and communication technologies (ICT); experiment; literary competence (LC); practical tasks; project activity.


The article actualizes the need for qualitative changes in education, changes in teaching Literature within the new strategy for training graduates of general education schools. The contradictions between teachers' use of traditional methods of teaching and the need for innovation; retransmission of knowledge and independent acquisition of information on the subject, its transformation and representation; the occasional use of Project training, a synergistic approach and a competence-activity paradigm for participants in the educational process are clarified. The content and essence of the concept "literary competence" (LС) of student-readers is deepened. Functions, criteria, and key components of high school students' Literature Competence development are proposed. A methodological model for the development of students' literary competence using ICT tools is designed.

The results of experimental training of high school students in quantitative and qualitative aspects regarding the acquisition of LC by students are revealed, and the influence of the use of ICT tools on literary competence development is justified. The results of an experimental study are summarized, they prove the effectiveness of the developed model for the  LC of high school students by means of ICT, and the importance of applying project-based training.

UDC 373.5.091:821.161.2:004.42



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