


The article reveals the possibilities to use physics  tasks in the study of certain topics during the elective course "Financial Literacy" in order to form students' core competencies.  The basis for the study was the analysis of scientific publications on applying the competence-based approach,  which considers physical tasks as an effective means to develop subject competence and core one.

 The author proposes to use such tasks while teaching other subjects, in particular "Financial Literacy".  For example, when studying the topic of "Financial Planning" it is advisable to use simple physics tasks to calculate the mass and volume of products, compare the cost and characteristics of household appliances, and energy efficiency. By considering the issue of drawing up and maintaining a family budget, students can determine the cost of energy consumed, compare ways to save energy. Thus they can get acquainted with energy-saving technologies by solving problems of physical content. The author proposes criteria for selecting tasks: 1) interesting applied content based on concepts and terms that have been already studied in physics lessons; 2) achievable level of complexity; 3) tasks which motivate students to search and analyze information and to make decisions. Taking into account the proposed criteria, there are  constructed texts of physics tasks, which should be used when studying the topics "Financial Planning", "Expenses", "Family budget".


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