


media;, literary competence;, media competence;, educational environment;, perception;, reading activity.


The article highlights the need for  literary and media competence development of high school students. The issue of changes in the technology of studying the subject using new tools is raised. Attention is focused on the contradictions that are confirmed by the results of PISA study. The perception influence  of  media sources information on the reader's consciousness is analyzed.  The methodological aspects of working with the literary works by means of both literature and media to develop a competent reader are outlined. The conditions are indicated, they allow training on a competence-based approach. The difficulties that students  face during reading activities and media use are highlighted. There are presented possible ways of overcoming problematic situations in the acquisition of reading and media competence  while teaching high school students.  It is proved that literary and media competence development is a complex process that requires creative efforts of the teacher, conscious reading of the student, the use of an algorithm of actions of mental activity, and information immunity.  The prospects for further research on the problem of literary and media competence development are outlined.


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