life skills;, project method;, subject «Basics of health», integrated course «Health, safety and well-being»Abstract
The article highlights the possibilities of using the project method in extracurricular work on the subject «Basics of Health» in primary school and in the context of the new integrated course «Health, Safety and Welfare». The project method is considered as a kind of innovative teaching activity regarding the interaction of primary school students. Innovative activity requires new connections between theory and practice. Project activity is considered one of the most promising learning types. This method makes it possible to develop 11 students' key competencies specified in the new State Standard of Basic Secondary Education. It is emphasized that the project method ensures the integration of meta-subject knowledge and skills with various types of activities, creating unique preconditions for the key competencies development due to the concept of the New Ukrainian School. The process peculiarities of students' work on the project is characterized in the article, the teacher coordination and support is described in stages, and the structure of the students' activities during the project is presented. In particular, the following components are highlighted: preparation, practice, correction of final stages. As an example the research project «Beauty and Health» was presented and its practical significance for the development of students life skills (key psychosocial competences) was emphasized.
The mentioned project activity was presented to the educators of the Mykolaiv region as part of teaching practice at the Kozyr school in Radsadivska village of the Mykolaiv district (practitioner teacher - Oksana Matsokina, a member of the regional creative teacher group). The presentation was organized by the educational Acmeologic Laboratory of Mykolaiv In-Service Teachers Training Institute and by curator Lubov Pogorelova.
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