


competence structure, competency-based approach, content of the components of cultural competence, cultural competence of the student, educational process in physics, key competences


The article examines the structure and essence of students’ cultural competence in the context of teaching physics. The article provides evidence of the relevance of shaping students' cultural competence regarding the national identity, patriotism and deep respect for their country, nation, its history and traditions. The author has analyzed scientific publications that describe  students’ cultural competence  development and relevant normative documents. It has been figured out  that despite the different names for this competence, such as general cultural or cultural awareness or self-expression in culture, its essence mainly stays the same. It is stated that it is reasonable to use a three-component structure of cultural competence: cognitive (knowledge), active (skills and abilities), personal (motives, values and attitudes).

In the context of teaching physics the notion of a student's cultural competence as a set of personal qualities that ensures use of the certain knowledge  by means of different types of art is specified. The competence components are listed: cognitive - knowledge of different kinds of art, Ukrainian folk and other peoples traditions. Activity  is about incorporating students’ own creative ideas. Personal component is  valued attitude to the culture and customs, world cultural heritage, awareness of own cultural development. The suggested components of cultural competence is the basis for the selection of topics for extra teaching material and for the selection of teaching methods and techniques.


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